Thu 01
A person is lying down with a singing bowl being used above them. Other bowls and a patterned cloth are visible around the person.
Thu 01
A group of people are practicing outdoor yoga on a grassy area with buildings and trees in the background, performing tree pose under sunny skies.

Yoga del sonido

As the morning sun instills tranquility, transition seamlessly from slumber into rejuvenation. Engage in fluid movements, syncing breath with motion for a deeper state of balance and alignment.

Event Info

Daily on Wednesday

  9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Esta sesión de yoga de una hora está destinada a reducir el estrés, aliviar el dolor y mejorar su bienestar general.

El Yoga Sonoro se realiza acostado, concentrándose en la relajación y alcanzando un estado profundo de conciencia. Es una combinación de Aroma yoga y curación con cuencos sonoros.